Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Doors in My Recent Life

On May 4, 2016, this door opened, but then on Tuesday July 26, 2016 it closed again.

On July 8, in response to mounting tragedies, these big red doors were opened, and they now open every Friday.

Between July 27 and July 24, 2016, I spent the week in Door County, Wisconsin, surrounded by family and love.

In response to a conversation about how to identify talents and gifts, and what one is supposed to do to use them to the fullest, Father Jim Harrison shared with me this prayer, from the book "Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals".

In response to a conversation about my finances into the near future with my financial advisor, he shared with me this meme.

Welcome in to this latest new Door.


  1. And a new door, in the form of a blog! Lovely Ellen. Keep the doors coming.

  2. Well said! I am sending much positivity to you with thoughts and prayers
